Bracken in pictures through the decades

Bracken now has its own YOUTUBE channel.
Check it out 

Catch the newest upload - the 1970 video of Brackens Full field show.
Thank you Kevin McDermott for sharing this, a real treasure.

First known picture
of Bracken

Bracken Early 30s

1936 Parade

Bracken 1950

Bracken 1949
Awards Banquet

Bracken 1949 Inspection

1950 Bracken

1960 Bracken

1962 Bracken

Bracken Reorganization 1966

Bracken Evening with the Corps 1970

Bracken 1972
World Open

Brackens first appearance as an Alumni Corps 

Memorial Day Service
Bristol PA

Earth Day Celebration

Painting commissioned by Former Director of both the Bracken Jr Corps and Senior Alumni Corps, Art Younglove (pictured above). Painted by Bristol artist Joseph Sagolla showing our uniforms from 1924 to present day and was donated to Bristol Borough. 

Remembering some of the Articles

Everyone had a Corps Mom. Ours was 
Momma Durham

in 1960, Bracken goes to Miami to compete in the AL National Championships.
They placed a close second to the
Garfield Cadets

After Bracken reorganized in 1966 we won our first show in 1968. 

From Bracken's 1968 Shows
Souvenir Book

Bracken Today

Playing for a an Earth Day Celebration

With members with aches and pains, sometimes a flatbed in necessary

Bracken performing at the Archer Epler Hall

Not a bad day for a Christmas Parade

For the first time in over 30 years Bracken competed at an indoor show placing second.
